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Ginny Koppenhol

Ablaze! Opening Night

Well, that was fun!

Two hours of chatting, tunes, hugs, drinks, flowers (thanks Sue), creating and even dancing.

So many friendly faces (some familiar, some new) turned up to the ‘Ablaze!’ launch event on Friday 13th September, to see my portrait series on display at More Music. I was so honoured (and relieved) that people came to share in this exciting point in my artistic journey.

Johnny from Morecambe Artist Colony (MAC) got in touch 7 months ago, to ask if I'd like an exhibition slot and I have spent the time since, creating a brand-new portrait series featuring local people with brightly coloured hair. I wanted to explore colour, create new connections and use the local area as my backdrops. Each image is a collaboration with the individual and unique to them (apart from Kevin and Sue’s portraits which come as a pair. When you visit, you'll see what I mean).

I wanted the launch event to be vibrant and to create connections too. This was aided by DJs Mills & Murphy playing some gorgeous tunes to set the mood. I also planned a few opportunities to get creative, leaving out stop motion animation stations and a colouring table for the kids with pictures created especially for the event by illustrator, Amanda Dixon (although I think Katie enjoyed it the most!)


Mills & Murphy

In addition to the thank yous I gave on the night, two extra ones go to Pete Moser (former Artistic Director of More Music) for introducing me when I said a few words, and to Loz Kaye (current Artistic Director of More Music) for dancing with my children - they had a blast!

I have a meet-up planned for Thurs 3rd October at 11am, so if you fancy coming to More Music and hearing a bit more about the portraits and the processes involved in creating them, please just turn up. It’ll be very informal and plenty of chances to ask questions too.

I hope that if you go to see the portraits, their vibrancy brings an extra bit of joy to your day (as they did when I created them).

‘Ablaze!’ is open to view on weekdays at More Music from 10am – 4pm until mid October.

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