Health & Wellbeing College
Pennine Care NHS Trust Gratitude Gallery
October 2021

A phone photography gratitude practice, designed as a mood-boosting creative group activity, during these challenging times.
The Health is Wellbeing Recovery College is a fantastic service as part of the Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust. Taken from their website, this describes the aim of the college:
The college aims to provide something very different for local people. We have moved away from the clinical focus offered by many traditional support services; instead we offer an educational approach designed to empower you to take control of your own health and wellbeing, while learning new skills, making friends and connecting with others. Our recovery-focused courses can support you to recognise your potential and make the most of your talents and resources, through self-management.
Katie and George from the college, felt that the Gratitude Gallery would be an excellent addition to their programme for those who wanted to learn phone photography skills and develop a gratitude practice in the process.
Over 4 weekly online sessions (and the days in between), participants used their new photography skills to create daily photos of aspects of their life that they're grateful for.
This collection of images is the culmination of our time together and represents the vast array of these moments of appreciation, experienced and captured. Some of the group members have also chosen a favourite image to tell you more about.
An Unexpected Feather
I was out for a walk with my partner and he went on ahead. I came across this feather that he'd put into a gatepost. I liked the fact that it wasn't what I expected to see, which made me notice and appreciate it more. I tried to play with the focus to ensure that the feather was sharp and the background was blurred.

Bus to Manchester
I took this selfie on the bus to Manchester. It was a lovely sunny morning, and I spontaneously decided to go out and about. I particularly love taking photos of street art, and use any opportunity to go searching for great examples.

I love being warm and cosy and so I set up this image to represent my inviting bed at the end of the day. My husband often surprises me by setting out my nightclothes and arranging the bed, which is always a welcome sight.

Moments with a Friend
My friend and I enjoyed a glass of fizz together to celebrate ​the end of a stage of her cancer treatment.
I enjoyed setting up the image to create the best composition, and the interesting effect that the clear glass had on the background.