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Voices From the Frontline
March 2020 - Summer 2021
The Growing Club CIC was awarded a grant from the ROSA women's fund, to run a multimedia project for women over 50, as part of the Voices From The Frontline campaign. A group of 10 women aged 50+ came together to discuss their experiences and hopes relating to their work and contributions, with a view to sharing these with key policy makers.
Two days of workshops took place in March 2020. I was in the privileged position of creating images which tell the story of these two important days, and the ideas and connection that arose. Some of these photos are displayed below, as well as the resulting film by Alison and Frances (Forgebank Films) containing many valuable insights.
The team: Jane Binnion, Jacqueline Harris Alison Cahn Frances Bowen and Ginny Koppenhol
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